Which comic book character was played by Christopher Reeve?

Which historical figure is kidnapped by Bill and Ted in the 1989 comedy Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure?

In addition to Genghis Khan, Bill and Ted also kidnap Billy the Kid, Socrates, Napoleon, Freud, Beethoven, Joan of Arc, and Abraham Lincoln.
Which comic book character was played by Jack Nicholson?

Nicholson played the Joker in Tim Burton's Batman.
Which character is killed in the 1986 animated film The Transformers: The Movie?

Sigourney Weaver portrayed wildlife expert Dian Fossey studying which animal in a 1988 film?

Weaver starred in Gorillas in the Mist.
Which NBA player appeared in the 1980 movie Airplane!?

Kareem appeared in the movie with a full head of hair.
Ben Kingsley plays which historical figure in a 1982 Richard Attenborough film?

Which character was played by Dolph Lundgren?

Ludgren played He-Man in the 1987 dud Masters of the Universe.
The 1989 Christian Slater movie Gleaming the Cube heavily features which sport?

Skateboarding legend Tony Hawk apears in the film.
Which of the following is 1980s movie character Officer Murphy?

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