Ewan McGregor played which character in the Star Wars prequels?

David Spade's character Emperor Kuzco is initially turned into which animal in the 2000 animated film The Emperor's New Groove?

Which character teams up with SpongeBob to retrieve the crown from Shell City to save Mr. Krabs in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie?

Which comic book character was played by Jennifer Garner?

Which character is from the animated movie Lilo & Stitch?

Which comic book character was played by Tobey Maguire in a series of films in the 2000s?

Which character was played by Antonio Banderas in a series of animated films?

Which character is from The Matrix movie series?

Which of the following humorous characters was created by Sacha Baron Cohen?

Cohen played Borat on Da Ali G Show.
What type of animal does Adam Sandler's character have for a pet in 50 First Dates?

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