What type of animal does Jack Black voice in a 2008 DreamWorks animated film?

Black voices Po in Kung Fu Panda.
Charlize Theron stars as which character in a 2005 action film?

Theron plays Aeon Flux.
Homer Simpson adopts what animal from Krusty Burger in The Simpsons Movie?

Which 2000s movie character can initially only communicate through the radio?

Sacha Baron Cohen adapted which TV character for a big-screen version in 2009?

Which comic book character was played by Hugh Jackman in a series of 2000s films?

Jackman played the mutant Wolverine in the X-Men films.
In the 2009 film Star Trek, which character was played by Zachary Quinto?

Which cartoon character is voiced by Eddie Murphy?

Which Marvel character's 2008 movie kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

The 2001 documentary film Dogtown and Z-Boys follows the rise of which sport?

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