Edgar the Bug
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Galaxy Quest
Men in Black
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Edgar the Bug
Deep Thought
"Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy."
Tim Allen
Vincent D'Onofrio
Douglas Adams
"Never give up. Never surrender."
Mos Def
Marvin the Paranoid Android
"The galaxy is on Orion's belt"
Heart of Gold
"Did you ever flashy-thing me?"
Sir Alexander Dane
The Thermians
Edgar the Bug
Deep Thought
"Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy."
Tim Allen
Vincent D'Onofrio
Douglas Adams
"Never give up. Never surrender."
Mos Def
Marvin the Paranoid Android
"The galaxy is on Orion's belt"
Heart of Gold
"Did you ever flashy-thing me?"
Sir Alexander Dane
The Thermians
Edgar the Bug
Deep Thought
"Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy."
Tim Allen
Vincent D'Onofrio
Douglas Adams
"Never give up. Never surrender."
Mos Def
Marvin the Paranoid Android
"The galaxy is on Orion's belt"
Heart of Gold
"Did you ever flashy-thing me?"
Sir Alexander Dane
The Thermians
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